Meet the

Our Collab:
GWCB 's  Exhibition is
coming soon
Limited Edition Art Cup by GWCB
"Ssshhhhhhh, Don't tell Mama"
1.Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?
Originally born and raised in Glasgow, I moved to Edinburgh 4 years ago to pursue a change of career in fashion.
I've been creating and designing as long as I can remember, finding my first taste of illustrative and design work ten years ago , working alongside musician/ beauty guru Jeffree Star on the official release of his prom night ep.
From there over the years I've been incredibly fortunate enough to work along side many of the cast of Rupauls drag race USA and UK, to create official merchandise and products and in recent months alongside project runway USA winner Geoffrey Mac to create my first ever collaboration capsule collection.
2.Why did you decide to become an artist and what are your inspirations/influences?
Art has certainly always been in my blood, I'm fortunate enough to have been surrounded by from a young age a window into the fine art world with an incredible family who encouraged art as a passion/ career.
I remember as a child seeing for the first time the Salvador Dali piece "St John of the cross" and immediately knowing from that point on I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to create art that made others smile. I spent a lot of time in my younger years practicing surrealism before I found my voice in a more graphic and illustrative medium, my style now is certainly far away from my surrealistic beginnings but it's certainly been an influence. Now I find influence in all walks of life, pop culture, graffiti, drag queens and everyday objects.
3.Highlight of your career and the most touching/memorable moment?
Finally having the courage and motivation to fly solo and create a brand.
I spent a lot of years very content working for others and happily bringing their dreams and ideas into reality. Finally taking that step to set up my own fashion brand was a scary but a well deserving pay off.
One of the most memorable moments of this, was having my pieces styled and used in Rita Ora's music videos, this helped shine light on my design work and within days had my collections showcased in magazines all over the world and requests by many independent retailers and larger brands such as asos to stock. It was an incredible whirlwind.
4. If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, book etc which one would you claim and why?
Film "clash of the titans" 1981
I couldn't tell you how many times I've watched this as a child and even now. I think symbolically its a very relatable story line I guess too.
we all have some monsters to face in life as we set out on our own adventures , its not meant to be easy but we just all need to channel our inner Perseus sometimes... and on a side note, it would also be nice to have a flying horse, it's a bit more eco friendly
The movie introduced me to one of my favourite artists of all time, Ray Harryhausen. I'll never forget being spellbound seeing the gorgon medusa come to life, or many of the other characters and monsters he was able to breathe life into. That was a true genius and one who has greatly inspired me.
5.What is the link connection with “DNTM” and what do you think about the “support local artists” platform?
I truly think the "support local artists" is such a giving and wonderful opportunity. It gives chance to local talent to be introduced to a fantastic audience and ability to push their brand and share their love and energy with people that will hopefully enjoy it as much as the artists love creating it. It's such a one of its kind platform and I truly can not wait to see the incredible artists to be showcased through this .